Like everybody else, my kids say funny stuff and they make me laugh. I also get pissed at the morons that I am inhabiting planet Earth with. For some odd reason, I have little desire to write about this stuff. Instead, I pathologically lie about stupid imaginary crap. I have lost readers because my alter ego is a misogynistic thoughtless drunkard. I'm really not. I am a mostly boring hard-working happily married christian guy that dotes on my kids. But that isn't funny. A guy that hates pants and gets drunk at inappropriate times, that's funny. If I really was that knucklehead I pretend to be, I would barely be able to breathe, much less write.
Why am I pulling back the curtain? I dunno. One because I rarely discuss the actual process of blogging and two because I am often asked why I don't write about this situation or that. Why don't I write about being a christian or about that funny thing that my kid said? Because I don't. I write what makes me laugh in my head. And I laugh a lot. So rest assured, you are not supporting a serial killer, child abuser, philanderer, fall down drunk, tin foil wearing crazy or anything else unsavory. Just a wannabe writer.
Speaking of writing. I want to thank Violet http://gratuitousviolet.blogspot.com/, Addman http://muppetsforjustice.blogspot.com/ and Shay http://shannan-afterwife.blogspot.com for bequeathing, not a boot to the head, but blogging awards to me. The rules of these things generally state that you publicly thank the person that gave you the award; check. Next that you link back to their sites; I'm assuming by the time I post this this will be in the affirmative category. Often you are supposed to say some stuff about yourself; check and check. And lastly you are supposed to nominate other people for awards. Here we go. In no particular order.
http://muppetsforjustice.blogspot.com/ Addman wins again. With reason. He is funny. And original.
http://art-poems-stories.blogspot.com/ Young Alex is creative and introspective and sweet.
http://joshmeares.blogspot.com/ Musings Of The "Stupidest Smart Guy I know" Christian. Smart. Real.
http://www.troytown.org/ My cousin. Living abroad for a year. Wants to be a writer. He's good.
http://scoopsrant.blogspot.com/ My all time favorite blogger. He disappeared. He might be back. I hope.
http://gratuitousviolet.blogspot.com/ Vulgar and funny and authentic. Been super supportive of me.
http://dronetalker.blogspot.com/ Everything I don't like. But he did sarcastic better than most. Smart too.
http://dirtycowgirl.blogspot.com/ Foulmouthed and inappropriate. Good storyteller. Always supported me.
http://tryst-with-the-shutter-bug.blogspot.com/ Interesting guy who travels a lot and takes fantastic pics.
http://greg-scott.blogspot.com/ Greg is weird. That's high praise in my book. A tad sacrilegious. Just a tad.
http://psychobabblingbasher2.blogspot.com/ Intelligent and empathetic. Always been great to me.
http://kevinrouthpoetry.blogspot.com/ Shards. Creative prose and well written poetry.
http://thewordthoughtsblog.blogspot.com/ Expounds on one word per post. Always fun.
http://hyperthetically.blogspot.com/ Creative and artistic and weird and pessimistic and smart.
http://shannan-afterwife.blogspot.com/ Shay has given me two awards already. But, she's good too.
http://aarongiesler.com/ Personal friend. Pastor. Trying to be a real person and serve God. Funny. Real.