The first thing I needed to do was to create profiles along with pictures. That proved a little more difficult than you would think. Apparently every carny was named Ronnie Van Zant. In the end the carnies were identified by numbers that they held up in front of their chests while their pictures were taken. Something they all seemed uncommonly comfortable with.
Next I needed to find women for the men to date. I explained to the men that they couldn't date trashy high school girls, no matter how willing the girls were. And then I explained it again. And then I had the local constabulary explain it. Evidently the threat of a "dime" will convince even the most stubborn man. In desperation I linked the carny profiles to that of the local women's prison and the Dollar Store customer mailing list. This produced some heartwarming results; fourteen conjugal visits, six quickie weddings, and also three couples eloped... unfortunately one of them was a prisoner. (They're still on the lam.)